Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Season Kick Off!!!!!

Fellas This is your teammate, Brian here to announce his new name and number for the Doolies 2010 season:  Light Beers Heavily #16.... Before the season kickoffs their is still a lot to discuss so hear are a list of following topics that we should discuss on this blog before opening day.

1.) Drink List lets hear opinions or G and I are making one!
2.) Hats any opinions....I believe i am going with my usual Camo hat....should be purchasing one shortly.
3.)  Shorts and undergarments....Is everyone getting the shorts?  Must they be worn on gameday?  Is a jock or tights required for all players or just some players... If just some players which players?
4.)  Batting order...  This is pretty important....  Which Doolie will be batting first to kick off the 2010 season?
5.) Post game Polo's for interviews and after party... When are we ordering them and are we ordering them from farriers?  They are mandatory for all post game functions except for swimming...(If you are confused by what I am talking about please check my blog profile image)
6.)  Pre Season BBQ... Date? Location? Food? and since this is a big event I think each Doolie should be responsible for bringing some food and beverage of their choice.... A teammate requested no shell fish!
7.) Question number seven is the most interesting of them all....Does anyone know if Gos signed us up this year? and if he did who do we play in the opener and where is it?


  1. I have no problem coming up with a drink list. I do feel we go everyman for himself game one and gauge who will actually sack up this year and drink.

    As far as the shorts go, I am not sure if I wear them to the games, definitely post game switch with my polo.

    Jocks, can someone please purchase one for Drewsy so we dont have to watch his hog flop around as he jogs out to the mound.

    Lets contact gos and get a schedule if he doesnt have one then we clearly arent signed up.

    Im up for all sorts of batting suggestions.

  2. I could not agree more with everything said...i think 60 beers should be enough for most games.... What should the logo be for the post game polo? how classy is it to go from fatigues to a nice polo!

    Bring your A game!

  3. I'll let you guys know the schedule when I get the email
