Wednesday, May 18, 2011

New Rules for the 2011 Season

Here is apparently an official league email...

To all, the following are new softball rules for the Ramsey Recreation Softball league following a meeting on Saturday of last week attended by 8 teams:

1. Beginning this coming Sunday the new home plate size should be 20” wide by 36” deep. You will have to cut up a new carpet.

2. The maximum pitch count for “balls” shall be six. When reaching 6 “balls” it shall be an automatic walk to first base.

3. No more long strides at home plate if the pitch is short. Stay in the batter’s box. You may only allow your back foot to be at the front part of home plate when swinging if the pitch is short.

4. We would like all teams to purchase a double first base. This is two first base bags at first to avoid collisions. These can be purchased at any sporting goods store.

5. Sliding into the bases is now an “OPTION”. You may run into the outfield after second base as before, you may run past third as before but, you now have the option of sliding. This was approved by the 8 teams that came to the meeting at Bradys on Sunday. I know this is controversial so please contact me with your opinions.

6. All bats must be “ASA approved”, period.

7. We have approved to have “Umpires” for the playoffs. So, all teams should contribute some cash come this August for the playoffs. Later, we will let you know what that amount will be. Remember, this is a “FREE league” , we’re not paying anything for the season so this should not be an inconvenience.

8. No “Substitutes “ for the playoffs. Every week both rosters should be checked. You need a minimum of 3 regular season games to qualify for the playoffs.

9. McFarren Field. In left field to the left of the score board sign is now officially a double only.

10. Pitching: the ball is to be in your palm with the palm up. No more spinning the ball with the top of your hand up.


12. Next year we will try to add additional games since we’re now down to 11.

Note: I am not a league director however, a lot of you expressed interest last year for some rule changes. These are the changes we have made effective this coming Sunday for the year. I know there will be some questions or objections possibly so please e-mail me or talk to your fellow players or teams if so. We were just trying to make this more fair and safe.


Tim Driscoll
Cruel Shoes

Monday, April 25, 2011

When Are We Taking The Team Picture?

I call that I am one of the guys on the end.