Thursday, April 22, 2010

First Contact from the Commish

Commissioner Bruce Vozeh is trying to get the ball rolling for the 2010 season...
Hi all,
Well it is that time of year for Ramsey Recreation Softball. Please let us know asap if your team will or will not be participating this year, please make sure to confirm either way. Last year we had twelve teams as per below (final reg season standings). I would anticipate the season starting on Sunday May 16th.

1 Bombers
2 B-Team
3 The Doolies
5 Cruel Shoes
6 Stiffies
7 Delta House
8 Opals
9 Gas House
10 Pot Bellies
11 Knights
12 Ramsey Fire

I have confirmation so far I believe from DOA, Cruel Shoes and Opals.

I was glad to see that Mr. Vozeh referred to us as "The Doolies" and not just "Doolies". I think that distinction separates us from the rest of the league in some way. In what way, I'm not exactly sure, but in some way.

The Monk is on the ball and has informed the league that we will continue to bring our entertaining brand of softball across the border again this summer. I'm sure the league breathed a sigh of relief when they got that email.

The only actual news here is that the start date looks to be May 16th.


  1. Did gos's brothers team really suck that bad to finish behind the Opals? I know they were pretty bad when Eric tried to test my CANONE three times in a game and fail miserably all three times. This is the same kid that tells us every year that we suck and they will kill us? Hey Eric, take a hike.

  2. I believe he also stated that no Doolie could start for Gas House. Who even plays for that team? Aside from the guy named after a 90s gaming system?
